A Question for Gentelmen,
Not for ladies to participate!!!(I will not allow any comments from ladies.Please dont take it personal.)
If you can go out with Jennifer Lopez, Brithny Spears, and Angelina Jolie, who would you choose?( Imagine you have no ideas about their character and personality?)Oh boy tough question !!!! To be Poleticaly Correct I will not answer myself.
There is one critical mistake that almost allmen make with the women that they're REALLYattracted to. This particular mistake is at the root of somany different problems that men run into, thatthe topic probably deserves a book to be writtenabout it alone. That mistake is allowing yourself to becomeOVERLY EMOTIONAL around a woman at the wrong timeand screwing up the great situation that you have,by revealing the fact that you're out of control. When most of us guys see an attractive womanthat we'd like to meet, we FREAK OUT, become verynervous, and literally become IMMOBILIZED. This is a case of not being able to controlyour EMOTIONS. When most of us guys have the phone in hand,and we're getting ready to call a girl to ask herout, we FREAK OUT, and again, we become so nervousthat we're IMMOBILIZED. This is another case of not being able tocontrol your emotions. When most of us guys think that it might betime to KISS a girl, we FREAK OUT. When a woman won't call back, we get upset. When a woman tests us by challenging somethingwe say, we become nervous and unsure. The point I'm making here is that if you allowyourself to become TOO emotional in situations
It\'s happened to all of us many times, and it\'sa UNIVERSAL experience. But wait a minute. Emotions are GOOD THINGS, aren\'t they? Aren\'t emotions the thing that allow us toreally ENJOY life? And isn\'t it wrong to try to "control how youfeel"? Isn\'t it better to just "be who you are"and not try to beat yourself up because you feel acertain way? Have you ever heard a woman (or a man) say "Ican\'t help the way I feel"...? We all have. We even have TERMS that we use to describe whenwe\'re overly upset and just need to "get it out".We call it "venting" and such. The implication here is that in our modern 21stcentury society, it\'s OK to be upset, to getemotional, and to show how you feel... But is this always true? TWO KINDS OF EMOTIONS I think that emotions come in "two flavors". There are those that you could consider"positive" emotions or those based in "joy", andthere are "negative" emotions or those based in"fear". In other words, there are the emotions thatmake you "feel good" and emotions that make you"feel bad". In addition, we all know that emotions aren\'tlike on/off switches. In other words, when you feel an emotion, youusually feel an AMOUNT of it. Maybe it\'s just alittle, or maybe it\'s very strong. But the reality is that when an emotion startsto become too strong, it literally TAKES OVER yourmind and body. In some situations, this can be a very powerfulPOSITIVE thing for a person.",with women, it will screw you up. Guaranteed. It's happened to all of us many times, and it'sa UNIVERSAL experience. But wait a minute. Emotions are GOOD THINGS, aren't they? Aren't emotions the thing that allow us toreally ENJOY life? And isn't it wrong to try to "control how youfeel"? Isn't it better to just "be who you are"and not try to beat yourself up because you feel acertain way? Have you ever heard a woman (or a man) say "Ican't help the way I feel"...? We all have. We even have TERMS that we use to describe whenwe're overly upset and just need to "get it out".We call it "venting" and such. The implication here is that in our modern 21stcentury society, it's OK to be upset, to getemotional, and to show how you feel... But is this always true? TWO KINDS OF EMOTIONS I think that emotions come in "two flavors". There are those that you could consider"positive" emotions or those based in "joy", andthere are "negative" emotions or those based in"fear". In other words, there are the emotions thatmake you "feel good" and emotions that make you"feel bad". In addition, we all know that emotions aren'tlike on/off switches. In other words, when you feel an emotion, youusually feel an AMOUNT of it. Maybe it's just alittle, or maybe it's very strong. But the reality is that when an emotion startsto become too strong, it literally TAKES OVER yourmind and body. In some situations, this can be a very powerfulPOSITIVE thing for a person.
a world-class performance... you can literallyFEEL the emotions they\'re feeling. It can be anamazing experience when they allow their emotionsto take over. But it can also be a very powerful NEGATIVEthing as well. Like when you\'re looking across the room at abeautiful woman you\'d like to talk to and youbecome so nervous that you make yourself sick. Emotions can actually CONTROL you. And when an emotion becomes so strong that itactually DOES "take over", you\'re out of control. Remember that. Strong emotions also create strong MEMORIES. We tend to remember things better if we werefeeling a strong emotion when they happened. I can remember so many situations where I wastoo nervous to talk to a girl, or too nervous toask her out, or whatever. I can remember situations TWENTY YEARS AGOvividly... where I was so nervous in the situationthat the emotion burned the image into my mind. When this kind of thing happens a lot (like ithas with me), it starts to make a "feedback loop".In other words, most of the strong memories I hadabout women were situations where I SCREWED I had less and less confidence as the yearswent by. Give me a little silent nod here if you knowwhat I\'m talking about. CONTROLLING YOUR EMOTIONS I\'m sure you\'ve already figured out that I\'mgoing to suggest that you learn how to controlyour emotions in situations with women. Let me talk for a moment about the reasons WHYit\'s important to do this. Remember, when it comes to ATTRACTION, all ofthe "normal" rules change. You have to stop thinking about what you
Imagine your favorite musician or actor givinga world-class performance... you can literallyFEEL the emotions they're feeling. It can be anamazing experience when they allow their emotionsto take over. But it can also be a very powerful NEGATIVEthing as well. Like when you're looking across the room at abeautiful woman you'd like to talk to and youbecome so nervous that you make yourself sick. Emotions can actually CONTROL you. And when an emotion becomes so strong that itactually DOES "take over", you're out of control. Remember that. Strong emotions also create strong MEMORIES. We tend to remember things better if we werefeeling a strong emotion when they happened. I can remember so many situations where I wastoo nervous to talk to a girl, or too nervous toask her out, or whatever. I can remember situations TWENTY YEARS AGOvividly... where I was so nervous in the situationthat the emotion burned the image into my mind. When this kind of thing happens a lot (like ithas with me), it starts to make a "feedback loop".In other words, most of the strong memories I hadabout women were situations where I SCREWED I had less and less confidence as the yearswent by. Give me a little silent nod here if you knowwhat I'm talking about. CONTROLLING YOUR EMOTIONS I'm sure you've already figured out that I'mgoing to suggest that you learn how to controlyour emotions in situations with women. Let me talk for a moment about the reasons WHYit's important to do this. Remember, when it comes to ATTRACTION, all ofthe "normal" rules change. You have to stop thinking about what you've
that a woman\'s ATTRACTION isn\'t triggered by youbeing "nice". So I have TWO good reasons why you need tolearn how to control your emotions around women:1) If your emotions take control early on, youprobably won\'t even be able to talk to her, callher, or ask her out. You\'ll just be too freakedout to even make your first move.2) Women aren\'t ATTRACTED to guys who let theiremotions control them all the time. This isESPECIALLY true when the guy acts like a WUSSY. We talked about the first reason already. Let\'s talk about the second one. Why don\'t women like guys who are overly-emotional Wussies? Because women NEVER feel ATTRACTION for menthat they can CONTROL. The more control a woman has over you, the lessATTRACTION she feels for you. The less of a CHALLENGE you are, and the morePREDICTABLE you become, the less ATTRACTION shefeels. It\'s very simple. To put it another way; if you\'re the type ofguy who lets his emotions TAKE OVER, then you needto learn how to control them. If you don\'t, you\'re going to have a VERY hardtime succeeding with women. THE FIRST STEP... I think that the first step in learning how tocontrol your STRONG emotions is to realize howthey\'re triggered. Most strong emotions are TRIGGERED. Something happens that "pushes a button" insideof you and BAM!... the emotion happens before youeven have a chance to think about it. But the fact is that these "triggers" have astructure to them. There are all kinds of little things thathappen during that "trigger". One of the biggest insights that I\'ve had about"
learned about being a "nice guy" and realizethat a woman's ATTRACTION isn't triggered by youbeing "nice". So I have TWO good reasons why you need tolearn how to control your emotions around women:1) If your emotions take control early on, youprobably won't even be able to talk to her, callher, or ask her out. You'll just be too freakedout to even make your first move.2) Women aren't ATTRACTED to guys who let theiremotions control them all the time. This isESPECIALLY true when the guy acts like a WUSSY. We talked about the first reason already. Let's talk about the second one. Why don't women like guys who are overly-emotional Wussies? Because women NEVER feel ATTRACTION for menthat they can CONTROL. The more control a woman has over you, the lessATTRACTION she feels for you. The less of a CHALLENGE you are, and the morePREDICTABLE you become, the less ATTRACTION shefeels. It's very simple. To put it another way; if you're the type ofguy who lets his emotions TAKE OVER, then you needto learn how to control them. If you don't, you're going to have a VERY hardtime succeeding with women. THE FIRST STEP... I think that the first step in learning how tocontrol your STRONG emotions is to realize howthey're triggered. Most strong emotions are TRIGGERED. Something happens that "pushes a button" insideof you and BAM!... the emotion happens before youeven have a chance to think about it. But the fact is that these "triggers" have astructure to them. There are all kinds of little things thathappen during that "trigger". One of the biggest insights that I've had about
making something that happens MEAN something. In other words, it\'s not the actual situationitself that "pulls the trigger" or "pushes thebutton"... it\'s what you think it MEANS. For instance, let\'s say that you\'ve met a cutegirl, gotten her number, and called her on thephone... she wasn\'t home, so you left a messagefor her. She doesn\'t call back. What do we, as guys, usually think? "Maybe she doesn\'t like me. Maybe she has aboyfriend. Maybe she\'s trying to avoid me. If Icall her again, maybe she\'ll reject me." In other words, we make the fact that shedidn\'t call back MEAN all these different things. Another HUGE insight I\'ve had in this area isthat us guys allow our imaginations to take overand imagine the WORST possible outcomes ofsituations. Then we get nervous about that outcomehappening and we FREAK. For instance... have you ever seen a girl thatyou wanted to approach... but all you couldimagine was her REJECTING you? Or you were with a woman on a date, and youwanted to kiss her... and all you could imaginewas her getting upset or pushing you away? Don\'t worry, we all do it. The point is that most of us guys use our mindsto imagine the WORST possible outcomes forsituations... and it pushes all the wrong buttons,and gets us all nervous and upset... which, ofcourse, makes us screw everything up. When it comes to women, it\'s important that youlose the need to make everything MEAN something...and STOP imagining the worst. Think about those situations when a womandoesn\'t call you back... or plays hard to get. As guys, we immediately start to wonder where",
these "triggers" is that they're usually caused bymaking something that happens MEAN something. In other words, it's not the actual situationitself that "pulls the trigger" or "pushes thebutton"... it's what you think it MEANS. For instance, let's say that you've met a cutegirl, gotten her number, and called her on thephone... she wasn't home, so you left a messagefor her. She doesn't call back. What do we, as guys, usually think? "Maybe she doesn't like me. Maybe she has aboyfriend. Maybe she's trying to avoid me. If Icall her again, maybe she'll reject me." In other words, we make the fact that shedidn't call back MEAN all these different things. Another HUGE insight I've had in this area isthat us guys allow our imaginations to take overand imagine the WORST possible outcomes ofsituations. Then we get nervous about that outcomehappening and we FREAK. For instance... have you ever seen a girl thatyou wanted to approach... but all you couldimagine was her REJECTING you? Or you were with a woman on a date, and youwanted to kiss her... and all you could imaginewas her getting upset or pushing you away? Don't worry, we all do it. The point is that most of us guys use our mindsto imagine the WORST possible outcomes forsituations... and it pushes all the wrong buttons,and gets us all nervous and upset... which, ofcourse, makes us screw everything up. When it comes to women, it's important that youlose the need to make everything MEAN something...and STOP imagining the worst. Think about those situations when a womandoesn't call you back... or plays hard to get. As guys, we immediately start to wonder where
We make up pictures in our minds of her out withother guys, doing fun things without us, etc. andwe let it upset us. Bad idea. This is the kind of thing that makes us do allKINDS of stupid, Wussy things that scare womenaway... like calling 100 times a day, asking whereshe was and what she was doing, etc. Instead, start doing yourself a favor and:1) Imagining the BEST possible outcome.2) Making things mean something GOOD. If she doesn\'t call you back, imagine that sheprobably didn\'t get the message (maybe herroommate erased it), and make it mean that whenshe finally DOES hear from you, she\'s going to beeven MORE interested because it took you so longto call her. If she plays hard to get, realize that she\'sonly doing that because she REALLY likes you...and that it\'s almost inevitable that you\'re goingto get together with her. Does this stuff sound strange? Well, I\'ll tell you something... All of the guys I know who are the BEST withwomen think this way. This is how their mindsoperate. I used to be VERY negative. I thought thatevery situation was going to go wrong, and thateverything women did meant that they somehowdidn\'t like me. It\'s taken me awhile, but I\'ve changed my ownthinking so it\'s now more positive and optimistic. And guess what? Now women are FAR more attracted to me. In fact, it\'s almost like magic. The more Iexpect things to go well, the better they go. Tryit, it works. Also, start noticing those particular thingsand situations that trigger your "overpowering"emotions. Learn to spot the signs that it\'s about to"
she is... what she's doing... and who she's with. We make up pictures in our minds of her out withother guys, doing fun things without us, etc. andwe let it upset us. Bad idea. This is the kind of thing that makes us do allKINDS of stupid, Wussy things that scare womenaway... like calling 100 times a day, asking whereshe was and what she was doing, etc. Instead, start doing yourself a favor and:1) Imagining the BEST possible outcome.2) Making things mean something GOOD. If she doesn't call you back, imagine that sheprobably didn't get the message (maybe herroommate erased it), and make it mean that whenshe finally DOES hear from you, she's going to beeven MORE interested because it took you so longto call her. If she plays hard to get, realize that she'sonly doing that because she REALLY likes you...and that it's almost inevitable that you're goingto get together with her. Does this stuff sound strange? Well, I'll tell you something... All of the guys I know who are the BEST withwomen think this way. This is how their mindsoperate. I used to be VERY negative. I thought thatevery situation was going to go wrong, and thateverything women did meant that they somehowdidn't like me. It's taken me awhile, but I've changed my ownthinking so it's now more positive and optimistic. And guess what? Now women are FAR more attracted to me. In fact, it's almost like magic. The more Iexpect things to go well, the better they go. Tryit, it works. Also, start noticing those particular thingsand situations that trigger your "overpowering"emotions. Learn to spot the signs that it's about to
calm, and collected. If you can learn how to do this, your successwith women will improve DRAMATICALLY. Now, this is just the tip of the iceberg, so tospeak. It\'s also important to learn how to improveyour self image, overcome FEAR, maintain yourphysical composure, and communicate using yourbody language... so that you\'re successful in eachsituation with women. Where can you learn every one of my bestpersonal techniques for this stuff? Try my Advanced Dating Techniques program. In that program I\'ll teach you all of thetechniques that I use personally to get theseareas under control... and to take each situationthat you find yourself in with women and turn itinto a success.
Can I have all three?I would say JLO.
Angelina could be my first chioce
Good taste hun ?
I think you have a great talent in writting man.I read all your blog and I bookmarked it.
You are funny and serious,I live in Kirkland.I will love to have a beer with you.
It's nice to see Seattle has produced some talanted bloggers like you.
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