I don't know about you, but every time I recently hear the wordbubble, I want to scream! Especially when I hear 'bubble' together with'real estate', as in the often referred to "REAL ESTATE BUBBLE". Youknow what I'm talking about...quotes like 'the REAL ESTATE BUBBLE isabout to burst!', 'How big can the BUBBLE GET?' etc..WHAT THE FUCK IS A REAL ESTATE BUBBLE??!!!I'll tell you what it is.... It is a media devise of fearsome word-play designed to strike at people's hearts and cause them doubt the veryexistence of real estate equity. It conjurs up images of atransparently thin 'bubble' we are riding inside of that will take ushigh above our home, and then "POP!" to send you crashing down to smashyou to bits on the roof. The talk of the 'REAL ESTATE BUBBLE' makes mesick. It is manipulitive and unneccessary and is typical of themainstream media to parlay the phrase into everyday syntax as a way toincrease circulation while playing upon people's fears.You know what the 'bubble' really is? It is a reward of equity-wealthand assets to people who have worked hard to earn it. People whostruggled hard to build and maintain their credit so they couldpurchase a home. People who worked hard at careers so they could bringhome the bacon and pay the mortgage and bills. People who struggled torepaint, remodel and renovate their properties so it would be worthmore money. It is the justafiable reason why we want to purchase realestate in the first place. So, to the people who hear the 'bubble' spin and give in to thenegative images it conjurs up, I feel sorry for you. You are the samepeople who said ten years ago, "Houses are too expensive! I can'tafford a house!" and then stayed in your one bedroom apartment payingrent. You may still be in that same apartment paying rent, complainingthe same old crap, "Houses are too expensive! I can't afford a house!"On second thought, I don't feel sorry for you, because you are the samepeople who wasted my time when I tried to show you the benefits of homeownership and you did not believe.So, believe this... There is a reward for building and maitaining yourcredit so you can buy and refinance your home. It is called EQUITY.Please don't give into the fear mongers who try to grab attention withscary spin phrases and headlines. The reason that home prices go up isbecause of the simple market principles of supply and demand. Someyears homeowners get lucky and experience more gains in house valuesbecause demand for homes is higher and interest rates are lower. Someyears the homes may not increase in value as drastically because ofmarket conditions or interest rates increases making homes lessaffordable, thereby decreasing demand. Don't worry, there isn't a'bubble' that will burst covering you with goo sending you to hurtlingto slam head first into the earth. There is just a time of lesserincrease in the value of homes. Worst case, maybe your home mightincrease only 0%-5% instead of 15%-20%.This does not mean to throw all caution to the wind and pay whateverthey say. It means, get a good deal with affordable payments and takecare of your budget planning. The same thing our Parents andGrandparents and all wise Forefathers advise. How come I don't ever hear about the "SUV BUBBLE"? All we have to do is ride out the tougher times to get to to goodtimes. "SCREW THE BUBBLE!"
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