FC CHELSEA ,The Real Champion

Jolie visits cancer patient, hits the mall with Brad; Plus, the old Lindsay returns ... and stares down Hilary Duff? There are times when Angelina Jolie seems too good to be true. Case in point: This week, the Oscar winner took time out from her busy schedule of being a movie star, a UN Goodwill Ambassador, Maddox and Zahara's doting mom and Brad Pitt's doting whatever to make the dreams of a cancer-stricken 6-year-old boy come true.
Last month, we told you how Nicole Kidman paid a visit to a brave little guy (and fellow Aussie) named Dylan Hartung, who is in New York receiving treatment at Memorial Sloan-Kettering for a rare form of cancer known as neuroblastoma. During their bedside tête-à-tête, Dylan shared with Nicole his two wishes: to beat his disease and meet Angelina Jolie, whom he described as his "ultimate chicky babe."
The actress, class act that she is, said she'd see about arranging a meeting. Kidman kept her word and reached out to Angelina, who stopped by Manhattan's Ronald McDonald house on Tuesday afternoon and spent more than an hour chatting with "a very excited Dylan," his mom writes on his website.
"He spent the whole time being really relaxed and chatting to her at a million miles per hour, like he had known her forever," recounts Mrs. Hartung.
Topics covered included Australian sports, Angie's movies, Dylan's precious stone collection and his many hospital procedures (he's undergone 12 rounds of chemotherapy).
Not one to let an opportunity slip by, the charismatic tyke also expressed an interest in Angelina's many tattoos, and she was happy to give him a closer look (his mom says he was "impressed").
We've said it before and we'll say it again: That is one smart kid.
The pair later exchanged gifts, with Dylan presenting Jolie with a ring (he also gave one to Kidman) and a thank you note, and the do-gooder bombshell reciprocating with several toys (PlayStation games and Toys "R" Us gift certificates, reports People) and an autograph for his "Tomb Raider" poster ("To Dylan, with all my love and respect").
Today in Primere League , FC Chlesea showed the real power, Chelsea Hammered Champions league title winner for 2004, by 4 goals in Anfield Stadium .I personaly think Chelsea should be the winner for last year UEFA champions league, Mr.Betis ( Liverpool Manager) this was your team ??? Liverpool most of the game had nothing to say, they were playing in their own Staduim in front of 48000 fans.....how horrible is the best team of 80's , with Kenny Daglish , now is losing in Anfield!!! This was a shame !

I used to be Liverpool fan for years when I was a teenager. I was amazed the way Ian Rush, and later others such as Roby Fowler and some other great playes were playing, however since Chelsea is the best team now ,They have Blue Jersy and they have the best coach of the world, Jose Morino, I support them.Chelsea is the team of this century.VIVA Chelsea ...go go Chelsea
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